Dave Drummond
Vice President of Client Services
Dave currently works with individuals who are “going international”. He helps client’s identify, prioritize and execute on their international strategies. From banking and asset protection, to residency and alternative investments, Dave utilizes his experience to help others streamline their initiatives.
A resident of Belize since 2008, Dave is currently working towards citizenship in Belize. This real world experience and a thorough knowledge of offshore structures, retirement vehicles, financial services and alternative investment products, give Dave the practical knowledge and experience to help like-minded individuals navigate unfamiliar waters and set anchor in their personal safe harbor.
A technologist, with 20 years in the high-tech space and founded on a background of relational database design and application development, Dave has extensive experience in enterprise sales and customer support. Through both the boom and bust of the high-tech market Dave was focused on driving client satisfaction, product delivery and revenue generation. Whether with fledgling startups, or established software companies, Dave’s teams consistently hit high marks with customer service, revenues and profitability.
In 2003, Dave visited Belize for the first time and became a believer in the country and the people. These beliefs lead him to extend his real estate development projects to Belize, where he served as the point man and operations officer for the ground team. As the guy in the jungle, he did much more than set up the corporate structures, manager projects, monitor numbers, and act as a catalyst. Dave was instrumental in a higher education reimbursement program for the children of local workers; ensuring that, if they did well in school, their tuition and fees would be paid back to their parents. He believes strongly in giving back to both the people, and the country, of Belize.